CST2641 Intro Mobile Applications
Old Instructional Guide - Phone Gap Xamarin App Game Kit

Archived fall 2018 lecture recordings

Archived fall 2017 lecture recordings

Old Course Materials (Advanced Java I)





Android SDK


jshint-eclipse plugin


Install weinre on your PC:

Start weinre on your PC from the command line:

weinre --boundHost (or whatever the PC's IP is)

Open Chrome (must be Chrome) on your PC. In the address bar type: (or whatever the PC's IP is)

Put this into your project (typically under the load of the cordova.js script callout). Use the PC's IP:

<script src=""></script>

Documentation docs.phonegap.com

Debugging PhoneGap apps

Video on debugging apps


Ripple is now installed from the command line.

How to use Ripple from the command line.

Video showing Ripple being installed and used.

Npm Ripple emulator.

Blog on Phonegap mobile programming.


GUI related

jQuery mobile


iOS related

Test Flight

Mac in Cloud

App Store Uploader


Mac OS X related

Setting up Mac for PhoneGap 3.0 CLI to build Android and iOS apps.



Installing Phonegap Command Line tools

Windows related notes


Wikipedia Xamarin history

Microsoft Xamarin docs

Microsoft Visual Studio downloads


App Game Kit

Issue with communcations on the MnSCU network. Workaround is to use -tcp option.

Mac: open -a Steam --args -tcp
Windows: Open the properties of the shortcut, and add -tcp to the end.

Phonegap Desktop (GUI version)

Note: I've found that in place upgrades don't always work. Instead, remove the original, install the latest.

Lecture notes

Lecture 1

If you are on a Ridgewater campus, you need to connect your devices to the RCWireless network

Final Project requirements