CST2641 Mobile App Development
Final Project

Requirements for CST2641 Mobile App Development Final Project

First: The rules are that you will NOT turn in any app that you find else where and call it your own. You are allowed to use algorithms, and small snippets of code you find elsewhere.  However the majority of the project is to be your original work.  If you borrow snippets from elsewhere, you must in your source code document where you found it (the full URL).

Project can be done with any mobile programming technology that you choose.
Some possibilities (there may be others not listed here) are Phonegap/Cordova, Xamarin, App Game Kit, native Android, native iOS.

Suggested GUI frameworks:
(These are listed primarily for the web hybrid app development using Phonegap)
jQuery Mobile
Sencha Touch
or other stable framework that you find.

Minimum of 1 functional page of your actual application. Application does not need to be complicated.
(5 points)

Credits (About) screen. Contain your name/business name and version number. Also description of the native API you used. (5 points)

Icon for you application. Provide all the native resolutions, or make one at a high enough resolution that it downgrades to the lower resolutions.
(5 points)

Native functionality on phone:
Must access at least one native API function.
Please tell me what native API you did use. Put this in your about screen.
(This is actually needed if you were to submit to the Apple app store.)
(5 points)

App functionality will be tested for correctness.
Platform used for testing will be Android Nexus S Phone (Android 4.3).
Important - must NOT crash.
Any input data (if used) must be validated. Be especially careful with textual entries.
(10 points)

SeveralĀ things need to be submitted to the dropbox.
1) Zipped up folder of your project source code.(5 points)
2) Screenshot of your project built, showing no errors.(5 points)
3) apk file of your Android project or ipa of your iOS project(5 points)
4) Screenshot (one per page) of your app running on your mobile device. (5 points)

Total Points = 50 points.
Your Points =