Issues with making apps for mobile devices:

All the different operating systems for devices.

Different mobile device specifications.
Screen size/resolution.
Version of the operating system.
Processors and memory.

Different approaches in programming apps:
Native programming.
Android - Java
iOS - Objective C, Swift
Windows - VB.NET, C#.NET

Advantages to native programming:
Speed! Performance!
Complete control of device.
Full support from manufacturer.
No cross platform issues, because
we are only programming for one platform.
Testing easier.
Look and feel of the controls on device is always the same.

Disadvantages to native programming:
App only runs on a single platform.

Native apps.
Web apps - app that runs from a website.
Hybrid apps:
Cross between native app and a web app.
We will be creating web app that has the ability to access
phone controls and will be packaged to look like a native

Hybrid applications.
Phone gap / Cordova - Business applications
Phone is simply a GUI for a backend application.
Backend programming: Running on a web server. PHP / MySQL.

Gaming hybrid platforms.
App Game Kit

Web standards:

Phonegap / Cordova names...
Tool Chain
Editor - Eclipse, code highlighting, code completion, debugging
Emulator - Ripple - runs in Chrome browser
Phonegap developer app
Compiler - compiler is needed for EACH platform.
Can installed native compiler on your development laptop.
Online compiler is available through Adobe.