CST2641 Intro Mobile Applications

Week 2

Configure extension in brackets to do FTP.

Install FileZilla.

Work through example in class.

Simulate Mobile Devices with Device Mode in Chrome DevTools. Documentation

CST2641 Lab 2
Grading Criteria

Come up with a simple conversion/calculation program. Below are some suggestions, but you can do something else as well.

  1. Conversions between metric/english units
  2. Electricity calculations P=IV  V=IR
  3. Area, volume, etc. type of calculations
5 5
Actual output from your program is correct. 5 5
CSS used to improve the appearance 3 3
Link to assignment is provided from main page and actual Javascript is obfuscated. 3 3
Project is Zipped up and submitted to D2L dropbox. 2 2
Screenshot of mobile device (real or emulated) showing your completed project. Submit to D2L dropbox. 2 2