CST2641 Intro to Mobile Apps
Student Sites
Current students Fall 2020
Benusa, Allen benusa.xyz
Before a domain name resolves, you can use the server and account name. We are on server "abarth".
Beckmann, Dakotah | uniblood.xyz | Mulder, Samuel | samulder.xyz |
Inselmann, Jacob | jadwains.xyz | Nelsen, Glenn | gcnelsen.site |
Johnson, Christoper | thisisareallycoolwebsite.com | Olson, Derek | derekolson.xyz |
Krug, Lucas | codingpals.info | Vicente, Cesar | cesarvicente.xyz |
Meuleners, Joseph | josephmeuleners.xyz | White, Donovan | topdawg.xyz |
Students Fall 2019
Benusa, Allen benusa.info
Buermann, Branden | brandenbuermann.info | McAllister, Darrien | mcallister.online |
Carlson, Damien | damientest554.xyz | Nelson, Kathryn | katelizabeth.ninja |
Frazier, Caitlin | Nordmeyer, Zachary | siteofzach.info | |
Gould, Alexander | alexgould3400.com | Olson, Susan | sueolson.online |
Halverson, Derreck | graketton.xyz | Raduenz, Cody | balisnare.info |
Huisinga, Stephen | thatguyinthecorner.ninja | Schmid, Leah | lwibe.com |
Jackson, Terence | terencej.me | Seiffert, Christopher | cseiffert.info |
Kallhoff, Drew | kallhoff.fun | Smisek, Ryan | smisek.info |
Lease, Austin | austinl.site | Wilke, Andrew | andrewwilke.com |